Are you addicted to Rocko's
Modern Life?
Watching Rocko's Modern
Life in moderation is neither physically nor mentally harmful.
It is possible, however, to fall victim to Rocko-compulsive behavior syndrome
(RCB). The following questions will help you assess whether you may
be in danger of developing RCB. Check the list below and note whether
you have experienced any of these situations:
1. When making tough
decisions, your first thought is "What would Rocko do in this situation?".
2. You refuse to
wear shoes that don't squeak.
3. Your parents
are shocked to learn that their grandson's legal name is "Spunky".
4. Your family looks
at you suspiciously whenever a TV news item ends with "...The suspect is
described as as wearing a blue and purple shirt and no trousers."
5. Your best friend
is a steer.
6. Your ex-girlfriend
always greets you with "Well, if it isn't Mr. 'wallaby-style'! ".
7. You mail anonymous
threatening letters to the "Hey Arnold" people.
8. Your boss tells
you "As of now, you're out-o-work cartoon-boy."
9. Your computer-geek
friends complain that you're "out of touch with reality".
10. So do your "Star
Trek" friends.
11. You spend all
of your time looking at Rocko web sites.
If you have experienced
three or more of the signs listed above, you should seek help from a mental
health professional. Additionally, the fact that you are still
reading this page shows that you are well on your way to becoming a mentally
unstable outcast of society.

Rocko Zone:
Last updated 12/3/97