Goldsboro, NC March, 1865
Letter from Capt. R.W.Burt.
Camp, 1 Miles East of Goldsboro, N.C.
March 27, 1865
Editor True American:
I wrote you last from Fayetteville, and now resume the pen to tell you of the last days of the Carolina campaign. Our division of the 15th corps crossed Cape Fear River, near Fayetteville, in the night, on a pontoon bridge, the 14th inst., being delayed one day on account of the bad state of the roads. Gen. W.B.Woods' brigade, with an addition of a regiment from each of the other brigades of the division, was detailed to remain in the rear to guard a train of about 700 wagons, while the main column was pushing on towards Goldsboro. The 20th corps was on the left, and was the first to strike the enemy and had a pretty severe engagement with them on the 16th, and on the 20th the 1st division of the 15th corps had a considerable brush with them. On the 20th, Brig. Gen. Woods brigade was ordered to the front and on the 21st, in the afternoon, it was engaged in skirmishing with the enemy, which continued until late in the evening, and almost approached a battle, but when morning came it was discovered that the enemy had gone. the loss of the 76th was one man killed, (David Evans, Co. C.) and three wounded, (Albert Selby, Co. B. slight, in hand; Burrel Williamson, slight, in hand; Hugh Morrow, slight, in head.) Our division followed the rear of the retreating forces beyond Bennettsville on the 22d. On the 23d Gen. Sherman issued an order announcing that the campaign was ended and that the army would go into camp near Goldsboro, to be supplied with clothing and to get in readiness for another campaign. Our division crossed the Neuse River on the morning of the 25th and went into camp a mile and a half east of Goldsboro. Our army is now engaged in constructing a heavy line of earthworks on a radius a mile and a half from Goldsboro, and will have them completed in a day or two. Timber has been foraged from the country for miles out, and pretty comfortable quarters have been built. A great many of the men were destitute of shoes, and a great many have got pretty ragged, but Uncle Sam is expected to open his big clothing store in a day or two, when we will all come out in clean blue again. Wagon trains are arriving from Kinston with rations and clothing, and the cars are now running to Goldsboro.
It is probable that we shall not have a very long rest and will soon be on the war path again, but a few weeks is all we desire, for all want to see the end of this "cruel war." To celebrate the next Fourth of July at home rejoicing over peace and a restored Union, would be a "consumation devoutly to be wished for." Since we left Columbia, Gen. Lyon has issued an order adopting a badge for the 15th A.C. It is a square ground, one and a half inches square, with a miniature cartridge box in the centre, with "40 rounds" stamped on it. Each division of the corps is known by the color of the ground of the badge, the 1st division being red, the 2d white, the 3d blue and the 4th yellow. The 20th corps' badge is a star, the 14th an acorn and the 20th a shield. I believe the 17th has a star also, with more points than the 20th.
Commissions have just come, promoting Lieut. Hizer to Captain, and Sergt. Virgil Graves to First Lieutenant. We commenced getting mail last evening and have been getting additional sacks of it three or four times a day. Some are made glad to hear that all is well at home, and others are saddened with the news of death in their families or those of their friends.
I could write many interesting incidents of the campaign, but business long delayed is pressing and I must give it all my attention. Officers and men are all in good health and on hand for any duty required of them. R.W. BURT.
From: The Newark Ohio True American 1865
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