Chasing General Hood
Letter from the 76th Regt. O.V.I.Little River, Ala., Oct.28, 1864
Editors True American.--I wrote you last from near Rome Georgia, on the 13th inst, and we left there that evening and marched nearly all night, and the next day we marched to Calhoun, marching 21 hours out of 24 and over a distance of about 30 miles. Marched at 6 o'clock the next morning and reached Resacca at 9 A.M, where we made a stop on our battlefield of the 14th of May, and while there heard pretty heavy skirmishing at Snake Gap. We found the 80th Ohio in garrison at Resacca. Hood had demanded the surrender of the place, but was told to come and take it if he wanted it, but after skirmishing around it about 30 hours, he concluded to pass on. About 600 men was all, there were in the garrison when Hood made his demand, but they were soon reinforced. We marched through Snake Creek Gap that afternoon and night following close on the heels of the retreating rebels, who had cut a great many trees across the road to impede our progress, and halted about 11 o'clock P.M. at the northern entrance to the Gap. The next morning, Sunday the 16th, we marched at 6 o'clock and came up with the Rebel rear guard at Villanow and skirmished with them some until we reached the top of Taylors Ridge where they made a stand. Our Brigade was in advance and the 29th Mo., and companies A.B. & G. were sent out as skirmishers and brought in 45 prisoners, including three Captains and one Lieut. A brigade of the rebels were strongly posted behind a stone wall on the crest of the Ridge, but our skirmishers got on their flanks and they fled in confusion down the mountain and could be seen making great haste across the valley below when we reached the summit. Several rebels were killed and wounded and our loss was two wounded, Sergeant Chancy E. Lincoln of Co. B. in the left breast, and David Christler same Company, in foot, slightly. Sergt. Lincoln is doing well notwith- standing the ball passed through his body. We halted on the top of the ridge and our skirmishers followed them some distance across the valley. We remained there until the next evening 5 o'clock and then marched 5 miles to Fayette. While on the Ridge the boys foraged the valley and found an abundance of cattle, hogs, sheep, chickens, sweet potatoes, honey, sorghum molasses &c. and of course, they lived on the fat of the land. The next day we marched to within three miles of Summerville, foraging all we needed for subsistence. The next day we passed through Summerville and marched 13 miles to Alpine creek. On the road we fell in with Col. Warner who gave us the glorious news from the elections in Ohio Indiana and Pennsylvania. Nobody doubts the re-election of Abraham Lincoln now. Though glad to hear of Lieut. Col. Warner's promotion to Colonel of the 180th Ohio. we regret his leaving the 76th.
Thursday Oct.20.--Marched at 7 A.M. and reached Gaysville, 22 mile at 9 P.M. Here we received a mail. Our rations are pretty short and we have to make up the deficiency by foraging and Hood is leading us through a good country to do it.
Friday, Oct.20.--Marched 7 miles this morning and halted at Little River, a branch of the Chattooga, one of the tributaries of the Tennessee. Our Regt. and part of our brigade has crossed the river and we have thrown up earthworks expecting to remain here a few days.
Capt. Wehrle and about a dozen enlisted men of the 76, whose terms of service have expired, left here to-day for Chattanooga to be mustered out. Capt. Blackburn has resigned and gone home. There has been some skirmishing with the Rebels seven or eight miles to the front but I have no idea of their where abouts, or whether we shall follow them any further.
Sunday Oct.23.--We are still in camp and have another little mail. Camp rumors are, that we leave to-morrow. We are living on the best the land affords and feel pretty well contented. R.W. BURT
From:Newark True American Friday Nov.18, 1864
Ohio Historical Society Microfilm Roll #39705Copyright © 1995-2000 Larry Stevens