Surely A Fighting Regiment
Capt. Burt, of the 76th Ohio, Makes a Plea for His Organization.Editor National Tribune: In the issue of Oct. 31, mention is made of 24 fighting Ohio regiments included in the 300 fighting regiments mentioned in Fox's regimental losses. Now, I cannot see why the 76th Ohio, commanded by Col. Charles R. Woods, and recruited at Newark, Ohio., should not have had honorable mention with Ohio's fighting regiments.
I do not believe any Ohio regiment can show a better fighting record or made longer marches. Its fighting was done at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Siege of Corinth, Milliken's Bend, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Deer Creek, Jackson, Vicksburg, Siege of Jackson, Canton, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta July 22, Ezra Chapel July 28, Jonesboro, Lovejoy, the siege of Savannah, Columbia, S.C., and Bentonville.
The regiment marched fully 5,000 miles, including the march from Memphis to Bridgeport, the March to the Sea, and the march from Savannah to Washington, and was carried by water and rail 5,000 miles more, and was in all the Southern States except Texas and Florida.
Its first Colonel, Charles R. Woods, was promoted to Major- General; Lieut.-Col. William B. Woods was promoted Brigadier- General, and the Major, Willard Warner, was made Inspector-General on Gen. Sherman's staff previous to the Atlanta campaign.
The regiment was mustered out at Louisville, Ky, July 15,1865, having served three years, five months and 12 days, and lost by death from disease and wounds and killed in battle 325 officers and men. If this record doesn't entitle the 76th Ohio to be mentioned as one of Ohio's fighting regiments, I would like to gaze on the record that can make a better showing. - R.W.BURT, Captain, Co.H, 76th Ohio, Peoria, Ill.
[While there is no sketch of the 76th Ohio given in the part of Col. Fox's book entitled "Three Hundred Fighting Regiments," the regiment is mentioned under the head of "Greatest Losses in Battle." At Arkansas Post, its loss is stated to have been 11 killed, 57 wounded, at Ringgold, 18 killed, 43 wounded, 2 missing. The general statistics of the regiment given are: Killed and died of wounds, 9 officers, 82 enlisted men ; died of disease, accidents, in prison, etc., 5 officers, 266 enlisted men ; total deaths, 361:]
From: The National Tribune, 18 November, 1897
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